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Compassion is at the heart of today's readings. One way or another, each of us will be brought low. When we humble ourselves, God's compassion is poured out to us. The less compassion we are shown by men, the more will be poured out to us by God.
As a parent, I can relate to the parable in today's Gospel reading. It is very difficult to teach a child humility. Children can be very self-absorbed. My children often want me to grade their behavior on a curve -- comparing it to the behavior of their siblings. This gives rise to a lot of tattle-taling.
How often do we adults do this? Perhaps it is not so pronounced in us, but do we really think that God grades on a curve? And do we really think that we can know what is going on in the hearts and minds of others to the extent that we could know what that person's "grade" is with God?
My niece is a preschool teacher and she has what she calls a "tattle-tale rock" in her classroom. If one of her students tattle-tales, she points to the rock and says, "Tell it to the rock." This is to teach her students that she is indifferent to tattle-taling. We would do well to learn that this is what God is telling us today.
God is omnipotent!! He knows everything! He knows what is in each person's heart and mind. He is the judge and He does not grade on a curve. When we judge others, we are spinning our wheels in the mud. When we exalt ourselves at the expense of others, we are spinning our wheels in the mud. When we humble ourselves, God's compassion is poured out to us.
God bless you.
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